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Transaction Versus Transformation

Posted by Roland C Warren on Feb 17, 2022 2:00:00 AM

Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on Being Pro Abundant Life

When Care Net crafted its new vision statement in 2014, it was clear to us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ had to be front and center. That is why it starts, “Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ…” The reason this is so important is that, as a pro abundant life organization, we want to distinguish between “transaction” and “transformation.” Let me explain.

Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood are in the transaction business. They view abortion procedures as “morally neutral consumer choices.” They want their customers visiting, getting fast service, and then being told, directly or indirectly, “Thank you, come again.” It’s all about making customer transactions as efficient and plentiful as possible.

But Care Net, through its network of 1,200-plus pregnancy centers, does not want our signs to read, “Thank you, come again,” but rather “Thank you. Don’t come again to be served, but to serve others.” The only way to do this is to not focus on women and men as “customers” who need to have a consumer product delivered to them, but as bearers of God’s image who need compassion, hope, and help. This way, the root causes of why they are visiting the pregnancy center can be addressed.

And the only way that true and lasting transformation can happen in their lives is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes – our work is about reaching people who are considering abortion and helping them choose life… but that can’t be all. We don’t want repeat “customers” coming in with yet another unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We want to see them transformed, in heart and mind, by the love of Christ displayed by the thousands of caring workers and volunteers that staff our pregnancy centers, and by the love of Christ communicated by his Gospel.

That is why, as pro abundant life people, we make the following pledge:

As pro abundant life people, we will celebrate and encourage efforts to help mothers and fathers making pregnancy decisions come to transformative relationships with Jesus Christ.

Can you take 30-seconds to sign a pledge against abortion and infanticide?

Some pro-choice activists now publicly defends infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Planned Parenthood and their allies promise horrific new abortion laws across America unless we act.

Say, “I stand with other believers against abortion and infanticide."

Sign the Pledge:

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