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Care Net Centers Save Communities Over $56 Million a Year

Posted by Care Net on Dec 7, 2015 2:26:07 PM

CareNet_InfographicPage01.jpgEvCareNet_InfographicPage02.jpgery year Care Net releases an impact report detailing the services provided over the course of the year. This year, Care Net's statistician compiled the economic value of those free services.

Emotional.jpgEducation-1.jpgMaterialSupport.jpgHealthServices.jpgVolsDonors.jpgFreelyProvided_2.jpgFreelyProvided.jpgIn 2014, Care Net pregnancy centers served 348,402 women and men and providing $56,826,883 in free services to people around the country.

Tweet: Care Net Centers save communities $56 million+ annually #prolife Tweet: Care Net Centers save communities 56 million+ annually #prolife

Pregnancy centers are faith-based, community supported non-profit organizations:

  • Alleviating social service burdens on local government
  • Facilitating public health through consultation with medical professionals and referrals for ongoing care
  • Building healthy families through education and support
Read the full report below, and share this powerful information about the value of pregnancy centers with your friends.

CareNet 2014 Community Savings Infographic by Care Net

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