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Impacted by Abortion

Are you still thinking about an abortion you had? Do you have questions, like, "Am I the only one who feels this way?" or "Is it normal to have doubts about my abortion?" Then this is a place to share your thoughts, watch other people's stories, and find helpful resources. 

Abundant Life Video Series

You are not alone in your questions and thoughts about your abortion. 

Lovette had the same questions as you. Watch her story below.  

Anita also found healing after her abortion. See her story here:
Anita's Story

Share Your Story

Listen to others' stories in Care Net's Abundant Life videos, and share your own story here.

Share Your Story

Helpful Resources 

There is hope and help for women working through the challenges that may result from having an abortion. Here are some resources to get you started.

Helpful Websites

There are many helpful organizations* to walk alongside you in your journey. They offer compassion, hope, and the listening ear that you may need.  

  • Abortion Changes You is a refuge for those who wish to tell their story and begin the process of healing.
  • The Silent No More Campaign seeks to bring to light and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion. 
  • Abortion Recovery International refers people hurting from an abortion experience to a pregnancy center with an Abortion Recovery Center program in their area.
  • Your Heart and Soul is a collaborative effort between The Radiance Foundation and the Albany Alliance for Life which includes pregnancy help centers, churches, and other organizations that meet the needs of the community.

Find a Center 

Care Net's affiliated pregnancy centers offer non-judgmental and confidential care and counseling to women who have had an abortion. Use our Find a Center tool to locate a pregnancy center near you that offers these services. 

Find a Center

Help Others

Would you like to bless others by helping them work through their challenges? One way is to volunteer at a pregnancy center in your community that offers post-abortion help. Use our Find a Center tool to locate a center near you. 

Support Care Net

Through our network of over 1,100 pregnancy centers and our real-time coaching hotline, Pregnancy Decision Line, Care Net ministers to hundreds of thousands of men and women every year who are facing a tough pregnancy decision or who are working to heal from an abortion. We are a nonprofit organization that takes no government funding. We rely on the generosity of our supporters to provide the compassion, hope, and help women and men need. Join us today in this important, life-changing work!
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*Listing of an outside website on this page does not indicate endorsement by Care Net. The views expressed on these sites do not necessarily reflect the views of Care Net or its affiliates. 

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