Abundant Life Blog

Care Net TV: First Choice for Women (Indiana)

Written by Ryan Sanders | Sep 22, 2022 10:00:00 AM

On this episode of Care Net TV, Roland Warren, President of Care Net, talks with Kailee McKnight, Executive Director of First Choice for Women in Indiana, to discuss the work of First Choice for Women and how they are serving Indiana with two locations in Anderson and Muncie, along with a practical needs mobile unit.

In the interview, Roland and Kailee discuss the new Director's Collective from the Care Net Annual Conference, how the center has been serving men, how they served clients through COVID, and several specific ways God is working through their center. Watch, read, and learn more about what First Choice for Women is doing to serve families facing pregnancy decisions in Indiana.  

Kailee shares in the video about her experience with First Choice for Women, “I was a client first, volunteer second, and I’ve been at the center ever since. This was my dream spot. God placed the center right in front of my eyes.” She now serves as the Executive Director of the center.

Watch the full interview and read more details about First Choice for Women in Indiana below.

New Practical Needs Mobile Unit

Talking about the center’s practical needs mobile unit, Kailee says, “Right now, it has all of the material needs that we give—our diapers, wipes, formula, baby food—all those products...books, sleepers, onesies..." She continues, "We're connecting primarily with churches to reach out with Making Life Disciples and helping them get involved to where—not only are they going through Making Life Disciples but they're also coming on to the mobile unit."

Kailee has seen the mobile unit connect with the community in an unprecedented way. She explains, "When there's something going on in the community, they're able to see the faces of the people that they would see in church. So, they're more likely to say, 'Hey, I'd love for you to come and sit with me at church.'" Kailee says the mobile unit and the Making Life Disciples resources are helping the center build relationships and develop partnerships—both with the community and churches.”

A Good Change: Men Volunteering at First Choice for Women

So far this year, the center has seen 600 clients. Kailee shares they’ve increased from seeing 30 men per year to over 100 over the last few months.

Kailee recalls, "We started thinking, 'Oh no, they (men) are probably going to be like...this is a bunch of women...I don't want to be here.' But, it's been amazing. They have fit in just right and we are excited to keep growing." The center only has five male volunteers right now. So seeing over 100 clients, they need to grow. "We're asking for more men volunteers trusting god with the rest..." says Kailee.

Focus on Prayer

Kailee points out that she and her team try to keep focused on the gospel mission for the ministry. She says the biggest thing they've implemented this year has been weekly prayer time. Each Wednesday, they have a time of prayer. 

Seeking Continued Growth

There are some obstacles and challenges. Kailee and the center are in need of more male volunteers. Also, they are trying to expand hours of operation at their second location—going from three days per week to five days per week. This takes more volunteers; but it's necessary to continue helping those who need it most in Muncie and Anderson, Indiana. 

Pray for First Choice for Women in Indiana

Take a moment and pray for Kailee and her staff. Ask God for more fathers to volunteer. Pray that local men would have the heart to serve and reach mothers and fathers in pregnancy decisions; that more and more men would be engaged with First Choice for Women; and that Kailee and her staff would see the fruit of their labor. 

For more information about First Choice for Women in Indiana, find them online at First Choice for Women and follow them on Facebook.