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From Confusion to Clarity

Posted by Care Net on Aug 5, 2015 4:23:00 PM

Pregnancy Decision Line

iStock_000044648456_MediumOnce again, Nina discovered she was pregnant. Frantic and unsure what to do, Nina went searching for answers. This brought her to Care Net's Pregnancy Decision Line.

At first Nina was set on abortion. It seemed like the easiest option to Nina's questions and doubts. When the pregnancy coach asked Nina about her life, Nina revealed the many reasons why she felt like abortion was necessary.

The father of her child refused to help her. When Nina told him she was pregnant again, he exclaimed that he would leave her if she did not have an abortion.

In addition to the lack of support from the father of her child, Nina already had three children to take care of. How could she care for a fourth, especially if she was abandoned by the father?

Finally, Nina did not want to have to go to her mother again with the news that she was pregnant. 

After sharing her story and concerns, Nina inquired about various abortion procedures. The pregnancy decision coach discussed the procedures and answered Nina's questions about the possible risks.

When the pregnancy decision coach described the various stages of fetal development, Nina began to hesitate. 

"I can't do it," she said. "This is my baby. I will take care of it, even though it won't be easy."

When Nina was confused regarding what to do, she found a supporting and caring listener through Pregnancy Decision Line. Through the coach's compassion and care, Nina chose life for her unborn baby.

*Name changed for privacy.

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