Abundant Life Blog

God Interceded in Genna's Life...

Written by Care Net | Jul 25, 2023 1:30:00 PM

From an Unexpected Place

Genna felt exposed in her hospital gown. It was cold in the abortion clinic, yet her whole back was soaked with nervous sweat. When the abortionist walked in, her heart raced. She couldn’t believe she was doing this.

Three feet away, the doctor paused. 

“Are you sure this is what you want?” she asked.

Yesterday, she’d spoken to a hotline coach at Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line. Genna told the coach who answered that she didn’t really want an abortion, but her partner, Kyle*, had been pressuring her to do it. The coach told her she had options and didn’t have to go through with it, but Genna had already made the appointment and knew Kyle wouldn’t like it if she canceled.

Frightened tears trickled down her face. “I don’t know,” she shared with the doctor.

If even the abortion doctor was questioning her, maybe she should reconsider. 

Second Thoughts… A Second Chance!

Genna walked away from the abortion clinic feeling like she’d dodged a bullet.. The abortionist and the hotline coach were both telling her the same thing. The whole world was upside down! She thought about her relationship with Kyle. He wasn’t there for her. Right now the only person on her side seemed to be the hotline coach. 

Genna looked at her phone. She still had the hotline number in her recent calls list so she called her coach to tell her what had happened. Her coach answered right away and her warm voice on the other side of the phone line consoled Genna. They talked through her other options and how she might handle Kyle’s response when she told him she wasn’t having the abortion. 

Her coach also made an appointment for her with a local pregnancy center where she could find material support like diapers and baby clothes. Genna felt better already and more ready to fight for her baby.

You’re on the Front Lines… for LIFE

Moms feel more pressure than ever to abort their unborn babies. Some of it comes from the culture, and sometimes it even comes from friends and family. But our God is so big, He can even use the darkest of times and the most unexpected people for good. 

Thanks to your generosity and compassion, you are giving moms like Genna a chance to know someone is on their side and wants to help. While the fight for the lives of unborn children rages on, the need for places of refuge is greater than ever. Thank you for playing a part in the story of lives being saved every day!.