Abundant Life Blog

Mia's Story: "I wasn't supposed to feel this way..."

Written by Care Net | Feb 13, 2017 9:57:59 PM

It had been three months, but it felt like it happened yesterday. One moment Mia had a child in her womb, the next nothing.

The abortion worked, she was no longer pregnant.

But, instead of relief, all she felt was regret. It was not supposed to be this way. Abortion was supposed to help her get her life back on track. What happened to the empowerment it was supposed to bring her life?

Instead of empowerment, she felt anxiety. By day, she battled intrusive thoughts of never being able to have children again. At night, the nightmares made it difficult to sleep. She would close her eyes and be back at the clinic, getting ready for the abortion.

She relived the day over and over again.

Would it be like this forever? Desperate for help, Mia called the Pregnancy Decision Line. She needed to know more about the spiritual and long-term effects of abortion.

Rather than judgment, Mia found love. The coach listened as Mia shared her pain and began sharing the Gospel with her. She told Mia that God loved her enough that He sent His Son to die for her. The guilt of her abortion was born by His body on the cross. The coach asked if she was willing to put her trust completely in His finished work.

Mia said yes and gave her life to Christ.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, more than 50% of abortions are performed on women who have had a previous abortion. Since their first abortion did not change any of the circumstances that led to their unplanned pregnancy, they soon find themselves back in a similar situation. 

Women like Mia are desperately in need of someone to offer them the compassion, hope, and help necessary to break the cycle of broken hearts leading to broken wombs.

This is why we are Pro Abundant Life. We understand that it is not enough to only help women in the midst of pregnancy decisions; we must help women and men before, during, and after pregnancy. We must help even when they have already made the devastating decision for abortion so that they don’t become another repeat customer of Planned Parenthood.

Thanks to your generous support, these women encounter healing and love through the Pregnancy Decision Line and Planned Parenthood loses another customer.

Thank you!