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NARAL Outraged at the Humanity of Unborn Babies

Posted by Care Net on Mar 6, 2016 10:25:50 PM

Screen_Shot_2016-03-06_at_10.25.06_PM.pngAt the Super Bowl,Doritos launched a humorous ad showing that even unborn babies have a love for the orange chip.  NARAL was outraged that an ultrasound showing a very sympathetic unborn child was shown on national television. They took to twitter to express dismay at the humanization of a fetus.

Watch the two things NARAL's reaction tells us about the pro-life discussion in the country.

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Some pro-choice activists now publicly defends infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Planned Parenthood and their allies promise horrific new abortion laws across America unless we act.

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