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Rep. Sean Duffy Speaks For Society's Voiceless

Posted by Willie Deutsch on May 13, 2015 4:00:00 PM

Screen_Shot_2015-05-13_at_3.38.44_PMToday is the two year anniversary of Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s first-degree murder conviction, and Congress is debating the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  

There have been many powerful speeches this afternoon about the importance of protecting unborn human life.  One of the most gripping is from Rep. Sean Duffy.  The father of seven held a picture of his daughter, who is now a vivacious five year old.  "The day this picture was taken it would have been legal to abort her."

He argued that we must first protect unborn babies -- defenseless, voiceless humans -- if we believe in protecting women's rights.  What do you think of his speech?   

What do we stand for in this institution if we do not stand-up for the most defenseless and voiceless among us? #HR36 #TheyFeelPain

Posted by Congressman Sean Duffy on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Can you take 30-seconds to sign a pledge against abortion and infanticide?

Some pro-choice activists now publicly defends infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Planned Parenthood and their allies promise horrific new abortion laws across America unless we act.

Say, “I stand with other believers against abortion and infanticide."

Sign the Pledge:

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