Abundant Life Blog

Six Times Obama Defined When Human Rights Begin

Written by Ardee Coolidge | Jan 10, 2017 1:00:00 PM

President Obama’s legacy teaches us that knowing when human rights begin should not be above the President’s pay grade.

Imagine for a moment that you are helping your friend move. You arrive and there are piles of boxes ready to be loaded onto the truck. Your friend tells you that one of the boxes has an antique vase inside worth $10,000.

But he can’t remember which one.

Would you simply shrug your shoulders, ignore the warning, and throw the boxes into the moving truck? I doubt it.

Even a busy candidate running for president would likely show more care for his friend’s expensive antique.

During the 2008 Election, Barack Obama and John McCain attended a presidential forum hosted by Pastor Rick Warren. Pastor Warren asked Candidate Obama, “at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?” Obama answered, “Whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade.” Obama attempted to sound nuanced and balanced in his position. The question of when life begins is contentious and he wanted voters to believe that he would not decide. The reality, of course, is that President Obama spent the next eight years deciding when human rights begin and at what point children have value.

Unfortunately for the unborn, President Obama wasted no time ensuring that they would have no legal protections. The following is a partial list of executive actions and legislative initiatives in which President Obama decided that children in the womb were unworthy of human rights.

If President Obama’s response to Pastor Warren was true, that he truly did not know when babies became worthy of human rights, why did he not show the least bit of interest in erring on the side of caution in these cases? Why insist on vetoing any restriction on abortion, when there was the possibility that abortion could violate human rights? After all, human life is far more valuable than a friend’s antique vase.

Uncertainty about when life begins should not mean uncertainty about the value of life itself.

Barack Obama was elected president by promising voters “hope and change.” His rallying cry of “Yes we can!” reassured voters that America did not need to be bogged down in the rebuilding of Iraq, a financial recession, or the march of global terror. Our best days as a nation were ahead of us. Despite his optimistic rhetoric, President Obama’s administration pursued and enacted some of the most pro-abortion policies in history and brought no hope to the more than eight million babies aborted since 2008.

The abortion industry entered 2008 wondering, “Can we reduce the legal rights of the unborn?” President Obama’s unspoken response appears to have been an enthusiastic, “Yes we can!”