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A Blessing in the Mess: Irina's Story

Posted by Care Net on Oct 26, 2015 1:37:31 PM

Because God Doesn't Make Mistakes!

Already a single mom to five kids, Irina was pregnant with her 6th child. She had just left an abusive relationship. She was living in a safe house, she had very little family support, and she wanted no ties left to the man who had fathered her child.

She thought an abortion would fix everything.

Desperate, she called Pregnancy Decision Line.  Patiently, the PDL Coach listened to her story and took the time to understand Irina’s situation. She also calmly explained the abortion procedures.

As Irina listened to the terrible truth of what would happen to her unborn baby if she went through with an abortion, a wave of horror swept over her. 

Choking back tears she said, “I had never thought about how terrible a thing it is to do to a baby!”

It wasn’t at all what Irina expected, and the brutal reality of abortion disturbed her. She began to talk about how God has blessed her with healthy children and she felt that she may be missing out on a blessing if she went through with the abortion.  

Pregnancy Decision Line offered Irina support when everything was falling apart around her, and a place to slow down and think through ALL of the ramifications an abortion could have on her life. There are so many more unborn children whose lives hang in the balance this year, so many more parents who need that kind of love and support!

When Irina emailed the PDL coach a few days later, she had been to a local Care Net pregnancy center to have an ultrasound.  She found out that she was further along than she originally thought! She is more certain than ever that she’s CHOOSING LIFE for her baby, and now she has the support of her local pregnancy center to get through the challenges ahead of her.

Because of your compassion. . .  Irina isn’t in this alone.

Reach More Parents  Considering Abortion Today!

Hearing about the abortion procedures from someone who wasn’t trying to sell her one was what helped change her mind. She thanked us for the information, and was looking forward to the blessing of holding her beautiful baby soon.

Care Net has some great opportunities to not only save the lives of unborn babies, but also to give help and hope to their parents.

Every day women and men are searching for someone to talk through their pregnancy decision with. Who will it be? Will it be a coach at Pregnancy Decision Line, or an abortionist who is only worried about meeting the quota that month?

In order to reach more vulnerable parents, and save more lives, we need to expand the capacity of our Pregnancy Decision Line and expand the resources available to our affiliated pregnancy centers.  Every time we can expand our hotline’s hours means more lives are being saved.  We need your support!

Thank you for your gift today!


Can you take 30-seconds to sign a pledge against abortion and infanticide?

Some pro-choice activists now publicly defends infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Planned Parenthood and their allies promise horrific new abortion laws across America unless we act.

Say, “I stand with other believers against abortion and infanticide."

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