Churches Blog

One Mom’s Response to 1 Corinthians 12:22

Written by Michael Yudt | Feb 10, 2015 9:36:00 PM

“On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable…”  (1 Corinthians 12:22). 

It was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (1/18/15) and it was the exact message that Jen’s daughter, Emma, needed to hear…  You are “indispensable.” 

While I was speaking at Hope Community Church in Shawano, WI, I knew God was using me to deliver a message for a divine purpose.  [look below to listen to the entire message]  Sometimes the exact purpose is very clear, other times it is not.  However, on this particular day, it was the tears of one mom that gave me insight into part of the reason God called me to fly from Baltimore to a small town in Wisconsin to speak on behalf of Care Net on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Following the second service, I had several people come up to me to share personal stories of how they were impacted by the message.  They were all touching, but one in particular struck a chord with me and gave me a glimpse into why God sent me on this trip.  Jen, a married mother of four children, waited until I had a free moment and went on to tell me that her daughter, Emma, was in the front row for my message, sitting in a motorized scooter. 

With tears rolling down her face, Jen shared with me that Emma needed to hear that she is an “indispensable” part of God’s kingdom.  It was clear that this simple, but yet powerful message came at the right time, not only for Emma, but for Jen who clearly loves Emma unconditionally. 

While our conversation was brief, it became clear to me that God was indeed at work on that cold day in January in a small town in Wisconsin.  On my way home the next morning, I fully realized that my trip was well worth it if the only reason I went was to remind one girl that she is “indispensable” in God’s sight.  

You see, it’s easy for us to get discouraged about our value in Christ, but the truth of Scripture is very clear that each of us were created for a reason (Ephesians 2:10).  It’s also clear from the passage in 1 Corinthians 12 (verses 18-27) that there is unique value in every part of Christ’s body, His church.  Every part is needed and every part is significant.  And no two parts are the same.  We can not underestimate the power of these biblical truths.

What are we doing in our respective churches and communities to bring this powerful message of truth to those who need to hear it?  After all, on any given day, each of us needs to be reminded that God indeed does not make mistakes and that we too are “indispensable” in the Lord’s kingdom.  This is true for the life of every unborn child, and it’s also true for every woman and man in crisis, who is being tempted by the lie that abortion is their only way out.  Let us increasingly become a church that is faithful to bring the truth of Scripture to everyone who is questioning their value and their worth.  After all, we know that when the light of Christ shines in the darkness, the darkness shall not overcome it!  (John 1:5)

To listen to Michael’s entire message from Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, please click here.