You can help a dad embrace fatherhood and choose life for his unborn baby!

You can help a dad embrace fatherhood and choose life for his unborn baby!

Every day, parents actively considering abortion call our national hotline. Many of these callers are men who just found out they are expectant fathers. Our culture tells them they should deny their unborn child life. Men hear things like: 

“No one cares about you or your baby…” 

“You don’t have anything to offer a child…”

“Things can go back to the way they were…”

"You aren't ready to be a dad!" 

Except women want the fathers of their children to say something. Babies are dying because of their silence.

But your gift today can rewrite their story and empower dads with hope — saving their babies in the nick of time

Since 2008, pro-life people like you have shared the Gospel with more than 1.9 million moms and dads considering abortion and saved more than 886,000 unborn lives. 

In addition to ensuring that a trained coach is ready and waiting to take these calls, your tax-deductible support today will save these precious babies' lives by:

  • Providing our affiliated pregnancy centers with the most relevant and up-to-date resources and training. You help ensure that they have the tools they need to effectively minister to expectant parents during this pandemic.  

  • Bringing more churches into vibrant Pro Abundant Life ministry. Your gift helps train churches to provide the Christ-centered support that empowers women and men to choose life and work alongside pregnancy centers to accomplish this vital mission.  

And, if this is your first gift to Care Net, you have the opportunity to save even more lives! Thanks to a generous donor, we have received $120,000 and they have challenged you to help match that gift.  


Will you join the thousands of pro-life people serving in this work? Please use the secure form below to make your gift and save babies from abortion today. 

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      Care Net
      44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200
      Lansdowne, Virginia 20176

      Care Net is a public charity, exempt from federal income tax as an organization, described in Section 501c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.