You can save babies 365 days a year!

Last year, the monthly gifts of pro-life people like you saved 63,000 babies by supporting Care Net's four strategic responses to abortion every day. 

  • Care Net's Pregnancy Decision Line. Care Net's national call center providing real-time pregnancy decision coaching to parents in the middle of a life or death decision for their unborn babies.
  • Our network of over 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers. Pregnancy centers are on the front lines empowering women and men to choose life and equipping them to make their choice a lasting one.
  • Our church partners. Care Net equips churches to train their congregations to offer compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion with a tailored curriculum for them.
  • Our cutting edge resources and free online courses that have trained more than 30,000 pro-life people like you to better intercede for the lives at risk.  

The Supreme Court could be poised to overturn Roe. v. Wade. This incredible legal victory would increase the number of parents searching for help with their unplanned pregnancies. Without abortion, they will be desperate for pro-life support. 

We must act it we want our communities to be ready for the end of Roe and you can reach them in the nick of time to save their babies. 

For as little as $1 a day, you will enable two moms or dads to call our hotline each month. You will make sure that our over 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers are equipped to serve their communities. That churches can become places of hope and healing for those facing unplanned pregnancies. Your gift will make it possible for people to enroll in our free online courses and learn how to make abortion unthinkable.

We want 240 additional parents to reach out to us each month, but in order to do that we need to find 120 new monthly donors before May 1. Can you help? 

When you become a monthly donor today, you will:

  • We'll only send you emails to ask for donations during times of greatest need since you will already be saving babies every day. 
  • Receive a bi-monthly newsletter with stories of the babies you are saving 365 days a year.
  • Get urgent prayer requests direct from our call center for moms and dads who are considering abortion. 
  • Get an exclusive monthly devotional mailed to you that will encourage you in your faith and strengthen your prayer life. 

You can be a hero for as little as $1 a day when you make a compassionate and crucial commitment to rescue unborn babies' lives 365 days a year.

After making your gift, your monthly donation will be processed the same day each month. You can easily change your gift or cancel at any time.

Use the secure form below to make your first monthly gift.

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This month's donation will be processed immediately.

Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

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      Care Net
      44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200
      Lansdowne, Virginia 20176

      Care Net is a public charity, exempt from federal income tax as an organization, described in Section 501c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.