Abundant Life Blog

LifeChat: How did Mary’s Unplanned Pregnancy Make the Case for Life? (Video)

Written by Ryan Sanders | Feb 2, 2023 1:00:00 PM


This episode of LifeChat is part three of a four-part series covering the four arguments of pro-choice Christians. Roland Warren, Care Net’s President and CEO, and Vincent DiCaro, Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, sat down to address some of the concerns that Christians who profess to be pro-choice have around the life issue.

If you're a Christian who professes to be pro-choice, you might ask what Mary's unplanned pregnancy says about life. In this special episode, Roland and Vince discuss another major question related to the four arguments of pro-choice Christians: "How did Mary's unplanned pregnancy make the case for life?

How Did Mary's Unplanned Pregnancy Make the Case for Life?

As believers, we need to consider why Scripture tells the stories it does. While Jesus never used the term "abortion," are there principles we can pull from the pages we have? Well, if we believe what we say—which is that Christ came in human form, then as Roland and Vince point out in this LifeChat, there must be some big reasons why the stories around Mary's unplanned pregnancy are told. The more we dig into Scripture and the story of Mary, the more we see hope and encouragement for life and for the work Care Net does of pointing women and men facing pregnancy decisions to Christ and His Sacrifice.

I'll stop and let you watch, but I have to highlight one part of this LifeChat. Roland, in explaining how and why Scripture mentions the details we find therein, even down to Mary and Elizabeth's stories and the timing of what Scripture describes as the babies jumping inside the womb. Roland says, "If you're a pro-choice Christian, what this actually does in Scripture is it tells you that late-term abortion and early-term abortion are both killing a life." 

The principles of a God-honoring life are found all throughout Scripture. We encourage you—if you are a Christian who professes to be pro-choice, to pray about this issue. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and lead you. Pray on the word of God, which gives us what we need for this kind of decision that folks are making every single day. Join in as Roland and Vince address this third question, how did Mary's unplanned pregnancy make the case for life?

Watch: How Did Mary's Unplanned Pregnancy Make the Case for Life? (Video)

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