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Press Release

Care Net Headquarters Relocates to Prison Fellowship Campus

November 13, 2006

Lansdowne, VA location offers exciting opportunities to grow and serve pregnancy centers

STERLING, VA – On November 20, 2006, Care Net’s national headquarters will relocate to the Prison Fellowship Campus in Lansdowne, Virginia. The new, state-of-the-art facilities offer exciting opportunities for Care Net to grow and serve pregnancy centers including: webcasting capabilities, spacious conference and meeting rooms, and a radio broadcasting and recording studio. In addition, Care Net foresees many intangible benefits to the new location as it provides a chance to work alongside a leading national ministry.

"We are eager to explore the opportunities available at Care Net’s new headquarters to support the ongoing growth of the pregnancy center movement," said Care Net President Kurt
Entsminger. “And to be co-located with a like-minded organization will be an added blessing to our efforts.”

Prison Fellowship President and CEO Mark Earley said, “Care Net is a leader in protecting the sanctity and dignity of human life. We could not be more delighted about Care Net’s move to Prison Fellowship’s Lansdowne Campus.”

Care Net has obtained a five-year lease to occupy approximately 6,500 square feet of office space and will have the opportunity to utilize various amenities on the campus. The Prison Fellowship Campus consists of a 95,000 sq. foot office building and guest house, which is home to Prison Fellowship, Prison Fellowship International, and other Christian ministries; and more than 11 acres of peaceful grounds.

Effective November 20, 2006, Care Net’s new national office address is 44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200, Lansdowne, VA 201768421. In addition to its Northern Virginia national office, Care Net operates Care Net South in Birmingham, Alabama, among other office locations throughout the U.S.

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