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They Refused to Tell Her

Posted by Emily, PDL Coach on Sep 14, 2023 12:49:05 PM

"Just come and get more pills to take."

That's what they told my client — who I'll call Miriam to protect her identity — when she called them first, crying and scared, to get help. They were supposed to be there to help her, weren't they? 

Miriam was a little older than the women I usually speak with. When she called the hotline, Miriam shared with me that she was old enough to have a teenaged son. But when that precious mama found out she was pregnant again, she hadn't called Care Net.

Instead, the father of her new baby had traveled with her to an out-of-state abortion clinic. And, with the help of the clinic staff there, he had convinced herto take the first dose of an abortion regimen that she didn't want.

The day after, she saw some spotting.
Then she did what they'd told her to do and took the next set of pills.
A couple of days later, it was more of the same.

Miriam didn't know what to do, so she called the clinic back and told them she really needed some answers. That's when they told her to just take more of the abortion drugs meant to kill her baby.

She shared that she didn't want the abortion. All she wanted was her baby.
So then she asked them if there was anything she could do to reverse it.

They told her that, no, the only way was forward. She asked them for help to save her baby, and they repeated, "you need to complete the abortion." She asked to speak to a doctor or nurse, and they refused to let her.

PDL: A Different Kind of Voice

By the time she called me, she was sobbing. She was so scared. Scared for her health. Scared for her kids. What would happen to her children if anything happened to her? What was already happening to the baby she was carrying?

Even though the abortion clinic had never told her to, Miriam had already done the right thing and called the ER. Unfortunately, she was too uncertain to go in. She had taken so much medicine from the clinic, and she wasn't even entirely sure what all she'd taken.

Our national hotline — Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) — was the only place left that she felt safe calling for help. I was the only voice left.

I remember feeling so terrible for her.  No one should have to go without getting their questions answered. I felt helpless for her. She'd been going through this with no one trying to meet her needs.

Well, I wasn't going to be the next one to leave her all on her own.
That's why I'm so grateful for those who generously support Care Net and Pregnancy Decision Line with their financial gifts and prayers.

Sharing Truth, Saving Lives

Because of that generosity, PDL was there to take her call. She called, and she got me on the phone. I could hear in her voice HOW MUCH she wanted that baby.
She tearfully asked me, "Is there anything I can do for my baby?" And I got to be the one to tell her the TRUTH and proudly refer her to Abortion Pill Reversal. Because, YES, there was something she could do! I couldn't promise her that it would be successful, but I could offer her the chance to try to save her baby and pray.

That clinic had lied to her.
I didn't have to say it.
Miriam knew.

Watch the full video of Miriam's story: 

A New Federal Hotline?

Maybe by now you've heard that there's a new federal "reproductive healthcare" hotline on the way. Only Title X recipients will be eligible to apply to answer their phones.

That means it won't be pro-life voices like mine answering the phone. Instead, there may be voices just like the ones who lied to Miriam when she was begging for help. Voices who — even when a woman flat-out asks if there's anything she can do to reverse her abortion while there's still time... while herbaby's still alive and can be saved — will refuse to refer to services like Abortion Pill Reversal.

They've also already said that they will NOT refer a woman to any resource that she doesn't ask for... which means she needs to know about it in the first place. So what happens if she doesn't know that there's a pregnancy resource center just WAITING to help her and her baby, right there in her own community?

What happens if, like Miriam, her partner is right there next to her when she's on the phone... pressuring her to abort their unborn baby?

They'll refer her for an abortion and move on to the next call.

You Can Save Lives Today 

If my story has inspired you to act, please don't wait. In fact, preparing Pregnancy Decision Line to be ready to hold it's own against the new federal hotline is SO important, there's an opportunity to make sure that 100% of your gift will go towards this critical expansion to:

  • Double the number of coaches answering the phone (we've hired two more already!)
  • Extend our hours of operation to start operating on the weekends and in the evening
  • Increase the online advertising budget to compete with the new federal advertising spend
  • Invest in new technology — including chat and text — so moms and dads at risk of abortion can reach hotline coaches like me however they're most comfortable.
If you're inspired to invest in PDL right now
and want
100% of your gift to be used for that purpose,
just click below!
I'm Ready to Help Expand PDL!
Thank you for everything you do to make it possible for me and my fellow hotline coaches to answer the phones for moms and dads in need. You're helping save lives, and I thank God daily for you!
Pregnancy Decision Line Coach
P.S. If ever you need an extra encouragement that you're making a life-changing, life-SAVING difference, I really hope you remember this story. During that call, she told me, "I wish I'd called you first." To tell you the truth... I really wish she had, too. But at least she found us and found Abortion Pill Reversal to give her baby a fighting chance! And together, you and I can make sure that we get to someone else first... Before they make a call to that new federal hotline that could haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Can you take 30-seconds to sign a pledge against abortion and infanticide?

Some pro-choice activists now publicly defends infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Planned Parenthood and their allies promise horrific new abortion laws across America unless we act.

Say, “I stand with other believers against abortion and infanticide."

Sign the Pledge:

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