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Pregnancy Decision Line Answers the Call to Share Compassion, Hope, and Help

Posted by Amanda Clark on Jul 26, 2023 10:31:03 AM

In 2022, Care Net’s national call hotline, Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), was relaunched to address the rise of at-home abortions by pill and better support callers throughout their pregnancy decision process. The three main distinctions of this new model are medical support through registered and licensed practical nurses, support to callers through follow-up calls, texts, and other methods, and working with pregnancy centers to ensure clients connect to a pregnancy center in their area and increase the likelihood the client will follow through with their decision to carry to term. Additionally, our Pregnancy Decision Line coaches seek to facilitate Gospel conversations and promote long-term discipleship whenever possible in each step of serving a caller – in pursuit of Care Net's Pro Abundant Life mission. This model seeks to not only provide immediate practical help but continue to serve clients through compassionate, holistic care that seeks transformation. 

To see a glimpse of the impact PDL has had through this relaunch, please take a few minutes to view the video below to hear the PDL coaches share real testimonies from some of our callers, many of who were in desperate need of hope and help. 

One of the core responsibilities of a PDL coach is to provide biblically based, compassionate, Christ-centered pregnancy coaching and Gospel conversations (as able) to callers. In order to effectively carry out this responsibility, each coach has unique life experiences, a passion to share the Gospel, and a desire to serve others, which makes them perfect for their roles. PDL Coach, Tabitha Walkowski shares, “I believe I was called to be in the PDL role because I have always felt a need to serve others. That’s why I chose to become a nurse. I believe God has given me the gifts of humor, empathy, compassion, and love for others, and that makes it possible to do the work I do with PDL. I love what I do!” 

Because many on the PDL team have walked through their own seasons of struggle, God has brought beauty from ashes as the team empathizes with those who call in. “I can share where I have been and where I am now to help people see that where they are now is not where they have to stay. There is something more and beautiful ahead,” PDL Coach, Emily DeYoung shares. Having walked in the shoes of some of the callers, team members can share information and hope from their own experiences. 

I know the Lord has guided my path over the years and has used my life and ministry experience to prepare me for my current position. I experienced an unplanned pregnancy when I was young. Having someone to talk to, parenting classes, and material support would have been tremendously helpful,” Angie Ivey, PDL Director shares. 

Since the relaunch of PDL last year, the impact of having a dedicated team in place and the collaboration with God has been undeniable. The number of calls coming in from across the nation has significantly increased.

With increased quantity comes an increased quality of interaction. Because the PDL team now serves each caller through multiple follow-up efforts involving answering questions, checking in on their circumstances, and offering spiritual encouragement and prayer, stronger relationships are made. It is not uncommon for a team member to receive a text message from a client just showing appreciation to them. One text message sent from a client stated, “Thank you so much for praying with me the day I talked to you. It makes me feel like there are still good people in this world. Thank you, and God bless.” Surprisingly, even male clients call when they find out that they may become a father. One particular male client was so grateful for his interaction with PDL that he texted back to his coach, “What you shared with me definitely opened my eyes more to carrying it, so I appreciate that. It really is about weighing both options, and I’m very grateful for your story and for being honest with me. Thank you, Emily. God bless you!” 

During the past year, PDL has expanded its reach by launching two new call hubs. The momentum of helping women and men facing pregnancy decisions shows no signs of slowing down. In response to the increasing number of calls nationwide, PDL is actively hiring more medical and non-medical coaches. The dedicated team is committed to providing unwavering support to their callers and is grateful for their partnership with Care Net's affiliate pregnancy centers. Together, they ensure that clients receive ongoing support and care throughout their pregnancy journey. This collaborative effort is part of the Pro Abundant Life mission, which aims to transform lives and offer hope in what was once perceived as a hopeless situation.


 To learn more about PDL, you can visit If someone you know is faced with a pregnancy decision, they can call 866-799-0901 for free, confidential help.



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