
Maurice Wilson

Fatherhood & Family Program Manager

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I love getting the opportunity to meet with both church leaders and our affiliates and hearing the stories of what God is doing in and through them as they care for the vulnerable under their care.

What is your favorite Bible verse/book/chapter? Why?

Ephesians is by far one of my favorite books in the bible. It is is loaded with so many strong and reassuring truths that has been an encouragement to my soul at various points. There have been times in my walk with Jesus that I have been tempted to rely solely on my will power, endurance, and personal piety to keep me rooted in Christ. Yet, this letter always reminds me that it is God who is at work in me to both keep and secure me all the days of my life.

Why are you pro-life?

I believe God created each person with dignity, value, and immeasurable worth. This belief stands no matter the circumstances surrounding their conception or birth and I want to dedicate my life to helping others see the beauty of what God has do.

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa but I am currently living in Wake Forest, NC.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Why?

I love Wolverine from X-Men because he's can heal from whatever physical injury he endures.